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Shared infrastructure and tooling that helps agencies deliver faster. We provide building blocks and tooling that are commonly needed in the development and delivery of government digital services.

  • Incrementally investing in crowdsourced technology ideas from federal employees to improve the public's experience with the federal government.

  • Saving money and speeding development of federal APIs by offering a hosted shared service for API management. Enables greater developer adoption and cross-agency metrics through the use of government-wide API keys.

  • Providing federal agencies with an easy, secure way to create websites and deploy applications to the cloud.

  • Offering advanced, easy web analytics tools, training, and support to help the government make data-driven decisions to improve the digital public experience.

  • Creating community connections and providing guidance on building digital services to transform how the government interacts with the public.

  • Certifying the security of cloud services so that federal agencies can safely adopt and easily use authorized cloud services to meet their missions.

  • Providing the public one account to access participating government services online.

  • The Public Benefits Studio is piloting, a text messaging service built by and for government. Benefits program staff can set up custom text messages in as little as 10 minutes — without a technical integration required — and at minimal cost.

  • Collaborating with benefits agencies to build shared technology tools and spread best practices that work across programs to support a simpler, less burdensome experience for low-income individuals and families.

  • Creating a standard search experience across government websites, providing the public with quick, easy access to the government information and services they need.

  • Automating a wide range of scans of public federal websites and generates data about website health, policy compliance, and best practices.

  • Offers a simple, flexible, and convenient way to start collecting customer feedback so you can focus on serving customers rather than managing surveys.

  • Providing guidance and code to transform how the government delivers a seamless, trustworthy and optimal digital experience to the public.

  • Products

    Shared infrastructure and tooling that helps agencies deliver faster. We provide building blocks and tooling that are commonly needed in the development and delivery of government digital services.

  • Platforms

    Interagency experiences that create cohesion and economies of scale. When the public needs to interact with multiple agencies around the same or a similar need, we build and operate government-wide platforms to enable and centralize those interactions.

  • People

    Implementation to catalyze agency progress. When agencies need expertise to help to define, plan, and execute a vision for digital services that deliver good, human-centered customer experiences, we partner with the agency while also building capacity.

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An official website of the General Services Administration

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